Wool Dryer Balls

Know more about our amazingly felted Dryer Balls

What are dryer balls?

Wool Dryer Balls are the alternatives to your regular dryer sheets. It is an eco friendly way to dry your laundry instead of using dryer sheets or plastic balls used as dryers. Our Wool Dryer Balls are 100% Natural and Reusable. Wool Dryer Balls is not only budget friendly but also helps in reducing the drying time by almost 25%. People who are allergic to regular dryer sheets & plastic dryer balls can use Wool Dryer Balls. Plastic Dryer Balls emit harmful smoke when heated which is neither good for the health nor the environment. No chemical Dyes are used during the manufacturing process and there is no way the Wool Ball tears apart, after being felted. Our Wool Balls lasts for more than 2 years.

How to use?

Grab your dryer balls and just throw them into the dryer along with your laundry. The dryer balls need room to work.  Only dry loads that are small or medium sized. If you’re wondering how many dryer balls to use, for average laundry size you can use 3 or 4 dryer balls.

"Using our dryer balls means helping generate employment opportunities for women in Nepal and help improve quality of life"

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Prime Felt specializes in the wholesale supply of wool dryer balls with private labeling. We offer custom sizes of dryer balls and custom brand printing in packaging to meet your needs. 

Contact us online to request a quote online using the link below.